temporaryworlds Apr 23, 2013 20:02
patricia briggs, four and a half stars, the mercy thompson novels, werewolves, paranormal fantasy, year published: 2013
temporaryworlds Apr 12, 2013 16:24
three stars, alex craft, audiobook, faeries, year published: 2010, witches, kaylana price, paranormal fantasy
temporaryworlds Mar 29, 2013 18:00
vampires, four and a half stars, finishing school, steampunk, paranormal fantasy, werewolves, gail carriger, year published: 2013
temporaryworlds Mar 04, 2013 18:00
jacqueline carey, paranormal fantasy, year published: 2012, agent of hel, two stars
temporaryworlds Feb 08, 2013 18:00
young adult, four stars, raven cycle, paranormal fantasy, maggie stiefvater, year published: 2012
temporaryworlds Jan 29, 2013 18:00
the disillusionists, carolyn crane, year published: 2010, two and a half stars, paranormal fantasy
temporaryworlds Jan 26, 2013 18:14
kelley armstrong, four stars, otherworld novellas, werewolves, paranormal fantasy, year published: 2012, women of the otherworld
temporaryworlds Dec 03, 2012 17:37
the twilight saga, three stars, movie review, paranormal fantasy
temporaryworlds Sep 24, 2012 18:00
five stars, white trash zombie series, zombies, diana rowland, paranormal fantasy, year published: 2012
temporaryworlds Sep 10, 2012 18:00
three stars, vampires, the den of shadows, paranormal fantasy, year published: 2012, amelia atwater-rhodes